How Hosting Transformed Lives: Improving Loneliness In London

By - Andy
05.06.24 02:49 PM

Loneliness is experienced by residents in many urban areas, particularly in a bustling city like London. Hosting has emerged as a powerful way to improve it, offering companionship and cultural exchange that enriches lives. 

Here are three inspiring stories that illustrate the impact hosting can have on those who have previously experienced loneliness:

Geraldine’s Story: Finding New Connections in Her Late 50s 

Geraldine, in her late 50s, had been working at a post office for the past 20 years. Her daily routine was monotonous, and visits from her son in North England were infrequent. The loneliness she felt in her home began affecting her, leading her to shy away from even her neighbours. 

Everything changed when a colleague introduced her to becoming a host for students. Geraldine started hosting students from Italy and Germany, immersing herself in their cultures and trying new foods. This human interaction brought a spark to her life that had been missing for years. She received fantastic feedback and continued to host various young people, transforming her home into a vibrant, lively space. Geraldine no longer felt lonely; she had new friends to look forward to every couple of months, enriching her knowledge and life experiences. 

Niki’s Story: Rediscovering Life in Her 50s 

Niki, a deputy headteacher in her mid-50s, had dedicated her life to her career, leaving little time for personal relationships. Living alone in London, she experienced isolation despite her professional success. She realised that she barely interacted with people outside of work and didn’t know her neighbours. 

A chance discovery of Host Family Stay one evening on her computer changed Niki’s life. She decided to try hosting and soon welcomed a student from Australia. This experience led to a genuine friendship, new social activities, and shared hobbies. Niki began exploring restaurants and celebrating life more fully. Hosting had such a profound impact that she now feels more optimistic and connected, having enriched her life and the lives of others. 

Nia’s Story: A New Chapter in Her 40s 

Nia, a divorced mother of two teenagers in her late 40s, worked as a freelance journalist. Despite her busy home life, she felt increasingly lonely, particularly after deciding to stay single until her children were grown. She tried to entertain her family with travel, but it didn’t provide the lasting fulfilment she needed. 

At a parents' evening, Nia overheard someone discussing hosting students and decided to give it a try. She hosted a student from China, gaining a wealth of knowledge about the country and its culture. This new relationship brought optimism and positivity into her life. She even learned to cook Chinese dishes and explored Chinese cuisine with her family. Later, she hosted a Spanish student, which delighted her children who were learning Spanish. These experiences brought happiness and a sense of community to her household, transforming their social life and daily routine.      

The stories of Geraldine, Niki, and Nia highlight the transformative power of hosting - it’s not just about making extra income; it’s about a great way people reduce loneliness in their lives, and it is about enriching lives through human connection, cultural exchange, and shared experiences. 

If you see yourself in any of these stories, consider becoming a host. Our friendly team is ready to help you get started with this rewarding journey.

Marmalade Trust_Host Family Stay_Loneliness Awareness

Our team is committed to contribute to the awareness of loneliness in London and beyond.  For this reason, we are collaborating with Marmalade Trust and their team to support their Loneliness Awareness Week campaign, which is taking place on the 10th-16th June 2024. This years theme is Random Acts of Connection,  focusing on how small, simple moments of connections make a wider difference to people by making them feel happier and give them a sense of belonging.
